Sunday of Week Twenty One in Ordinary Time . 22 August

Husbands must love their wives as they love their own bodies
For a man to love his wife is to love himself.
I often wonder if we are truly our own bodies.
I will not die, but was I actually here, what actually is the self.

Today I suddenly felt my body was here, but my true self was elsewhere.
We have these undefinable feelings.
For once we are free of the all consuming we’re.
That within us there are other hearings and seeings.

But we can recognise the other whom we love.
It is their inner not outer self.
We fit like a mystical glove.
And they are a reflection of our better self.

So to remain true.
Is life’s glue.


Always remain true
You are then honest always
To you and to her


See Ephesians 5:21-22