25th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Da quaesimus omnipotens Pater.
In hunc famulum tuum Presbyterii dignitatem.
Grant we pray almighty father.
To this your servant the dignity of priesthood’s stem.

Innova in visceribus eius spirituum.
Sanctitatis acceptum a te Deus secundi meriti munus obtineat.
Renew deep within him the spirit of holiness’ drum.
May he hold the office, received from you God .and be in your debt.

I am at an ordination.
This solemn moment cannot fail to move.
A young man embarked on a new reunion.
All the rest of lift set in a new holy groove.

Censuramque exemplo suae conversationis insinuet.
And by the example of his manner of life may he inspire right conduct yet.


A solemn moment.
A man gives up everything
For God whom he trusts


See The laying on of hands and Consecratory prayer of an ordination