Thursday in Week 22 of Ordinary Time


Have mercy on me for I cry to you all day long.
O Lord you are good and forgiving.
So often it is more dirge than song.
We seem always to be on the road, never arriving.

I have tried being mindfully alert to my thoughts.
All I see is a succession of negative and regretful ones.
Everything seems tied up in tangled knots.
From every side we seem beset with metaphorical guns.

And then I tried cleaning the kitchen sideboard like brass.
Slowly ,mindfully you can find peace .
God is here as much as in a Palestrina mass.
Or a painting by Titian, here time can cease.

So never give in , bear everything joyfully.
Hope is also in mundane things done joyfully.


So never give in
Bear everything with joy
Even the mundane


See Collect of the day and Colossians 1:9-14