Thursday of Week 23 in Ordinary Time . 9 September


Let the message in all its richness.
Find a home in you.
Far away there is a world without any mess.
But it is here and now around you.

I am sitting outside the old church Walesby.
The view stretches twenty miles away.
I am utterly on my own, no one nearby.
I could walk on briskly but I choose to stay .

Time stops except for the bells every quarter , no more
The senses, wind on my cheek, far away sheep, a wood pigeon.
The breeze ruffles the stately sycamore.
Late deep summer greens, the blues merge into a distant region.

No need here to concentrate on the breath to force meditation.
It is here all around in nature’s gift, gone all agitation.


Concentrate on breath
No need here to make effort
Peace is in nature.


See Colossians 3: 12-17