Friday of Week 32 in Ordinary Time St Josaphat 12 November



Stir up in the church the spirit.
That filled St Josaphat as he laid down life .
Where nowadays is the ear that hears it.
Freeing us from  soul destroying strife .

We ask for his holy intercession.
That we too might be strengthened.
And not be afraid to resist aggression.
And worry not if never mentioned .

Do we seek to discover him who is.
Do we recognise the articifer .
Do we accept that all this is his.
Do we reject all the works of Lucifer.

We cannot put out faith just in the stars .
We can say that all this is his not ours .


Who governs the world.
Is it just the sphere of stars
Or artificer


See The Collect of the day ; Wisdom 13 : 1-9