Tuesday of Week 34 in Ordinary Time



Stand erect , hold your heads high.
Because your liberation is near at hand.
When we die our friends, with loss, sigh.
As our life force vanishes in time’s sand.

I am at my friend David’s funeral.
A magnificent requiem high mass.
But it is his kindness that is the essential.
We live, we do not die, we hope we pass.
On a journey from the material to spiritual .

There is we pray no annihilation.
That death is not the end but a beginning.
I wish I was sure of the resurrection.
That ultimately there was no losing only winning.

As the coffin of our friend passes by.
There must be not loss but new life we sigh.


Our friends may pass on
One day we will follow them
We wonder to what


See Today’s Gospel Acclamation