Thursday of Week 1 in Advent


He has brought low those who lived in the citadel.
He brings it down, brings it down to the ground.
He brings us out of our mind’s brooding  cell.
Focussing us as we search around and around.

Mass was intimate in the crypt chapel.
The priest facing traditionally to the altar.
A timeless picture as he made his rappel.
All in Latin , his head deep in his psalter.

I felt a profound , intense spirituality.
This seemed truth , moved profoundly.
I seemed to have found a new vitality.
Peace can be found in emotion not mentally.

A service need not be a jumble of  mere words.
It can be a feeling , beautiful like soaring birds.


Emotion soars
Not always with spoken words.
But in ritual


See Isaiah 26: 1-6