Monthly Archives: March 2022
Wednesday of 4 th week in Lent
On every roadway they shall graze.
And each bare height shall be their pasture.
We wander through life’s maze.
Barely understanding our future.
They will never hunger or thirst.
Scorching wind and sun shall never plague them.
Never shall we be cursed .
Nor ever will our hope be numb.
Does a woman forget her baby at the breast.
Or fail to cherish the son of her womb.
We never shall lose our zest .
Or pass forever into the gloom.
Yet even if these forget.
He never will you forget.
The Lord is saying
At all times I will answer
I will not forget
See Isaiah 49: 8-15
Tuesday of 4th week in Lent

Monday of 4 th week in Lent
4th Sunday in Lent
Your brother here was dead.
Saturday of 3rd week in Lent
Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled.
Fridy of 3rd week in Lent . The Annunciation of the Lord . 25 March 2022
Your justice I have proclaimed in the great assembly
Thursday of 3rd Week in Lent
Follow right to the end of the way.
That I mark out and you will prosper.
We have to do this anew every day .
The spiritual horizon the spur.
Listen to my voice.
Then I will be your God.
We only have to make our choice.
Our walking feet well shod.
But they have not listened to me.
Have not paid attention.
They refuse to let their eyes see.
Your long ago ascension.
I left behind the church on the hill walking .
Attempting as I strode on to increase my understanding.
A far horizon
An old stone church on the hill
And then brisk walking
See Jeremiah 7 : 23-28
Wednesday of 3rd week in Lent
Tuesday of 2nd week in Lent
That is how my Heavenly Father will deal with you .
Monday of 3rd week in Lent
3rd Sunday in Lent
But if they ask me what his name is.
Saturday of 2nd week in Lent , St Joseph
That is why what fulfils the promise.
Friday of 2nd week in Lent
It was the stone rejected by the builders.
That became the keystone.
With faith these are the pillars.
We know we are never alone.
I could not sleep.
So I concentrated on breath and scripture.
The effort seemed to work better than counting sheep.
Here was behind closed eyes a calming picture.
What brings joy
It is Lectio Divina
The purest alloy
The most delicate china.
It is a picture into the kingdom.
A country of so much wisdom.
Where do we find joy
It’s in lectio divina
It’s all so simple
See Matthew 21: 33-46
Thursday of 2nd week in Lent
Wednesday of 2nd Week in Lent
I have heard the slander of the crowd.
Fear is all around me.
It’s not necessarily true even if loud.
Best if we neither hear nor see.
But as for me I trust in you Lord.
I say , you are my God.
I keep my reply stored.
Merely giving a polite nod.
Don’t worry about what your enemies say.
Don’t even read it .
Live just for this day .
And remember his holy writ.
How soothing it was to read in mass this psalm.
Suddenly all was calm.
Your thoughts are not you
This life is not permanent
Think on this moment
See Psalm 30
Tuesday of 2nd week in Lent
Monday of 2nd week of Lent
Do not treat us according to our sins.
2 nd Sunday in Lent
For us our homeland is in heaven.
Saturday of 1st week of Lent
He causes his sun to rise on bad men as well as good.
And his rain to fall on honest and dishonest men alike .
A good rule , the can’t is not as good as the could.
To accept does not mean that you have to like .
The criticism and abuse was wearing me down.
Then I remembered, soon we will be dead and gone.
Everything then falls into perspective, the up and the down.
Who then will remember or care when we are gone.
What did he say, love your enemies.
And pray for those who persecute you.
Think not of decades but centuries.
And not of ours but the other crew.
In all a sense of proportion.
Avoids so much distortion.
Love those who love you
Well that is all so easy
It’s the other bit that hurts
See Matthew 5 : 43-48
Friday of 1st week in Lent
Anyone who is angry with his brother.
Must answer for it before the court.
We just have to accept every another.
And make sure , before it erupts , our anger is caught.Yesterday I stood in the basement of an office in Westminster.
I was standing in a trickle of water .
It was the Tyburn River.
My thoughts passed to where the gibbets were.Here a comfortable modern office block.
Then the martyr’s rope and misery.
Thus flows time’s unregarding clock.
Now just the commuter’s delay, then grave injury.I thought back to these words , forgive your brother.
Hardly surely too much bother .……..
Forgive your brother
Surely that’s not hard to do
But it really is……..
See Matthew 5 : 20- 26
Thursday of 1st Week of Lent
Remember Lord , reveal yourself .
At the time of our distress.
Wednesday of 1st week in Lent
This is a wicked generation, it is looking for a sign.
The only sign it will be given is the sign of Jonah.
Four times the Gospel mentions the word sign .
Am I searching for a sign .
Is it because at first we duck our mission.
Then sometimes we relent and do our duty.
Is this the true lesson.
We will be alright, we can find true beauty.
But what is our mission.
What are we required to do.
How will we find fruition.
They who do are so few.
Help me find my resolve.
Before I finally dissolve.
The sign of Jonah
But then what is Jonah’s sign
Ah I wish I knew
See Luke 11: 29-42
Tuesday of 1st Week of Lent
Yes , if you forgive others their failings.