Saturday of 2nd week in Lent , St Joseph


That is why what fulfils the promise.

Depends on faith, so that it may be a free gift .
Is there something  here that I miss.
How can I end my endless drift .
We often lack self confidence in Lent.
But recall, this world as we know it is passing away.
All that we cherish most is in descent.
We can live only for one day , this day.
Our view of God must be like that of a child.
Guileless ,  seeing him as a living mystery.
Rationality , pre determined views filed.
Stepping away from the detritus of our history.
My depression can  surely be lifted.
With the spirit’s help I can be gifted.
Why do I question .
Can I not accept freely
And be like a child
See Romans 4 : 13, 16-18 ,22
1 Cor 7: 29-31