Thursday after Ash Wednesday



Man who is merely a breath.
Whose life fades like a shadow.
Even content, ours is merely a living death.
Now we are above , soon we will be below.

For anyone who wants to lose his life will save it.
But anyone who loses his life for my sake will save it.
As so we know we will be lifted from the pit.
As long as we attempt to follow his writ.

How these words of his revive me in setbacks.
Even today they helped  me .
Despite all the many kickbacks .
Now I feel more clearly can I see.

So there will always be disappointment.
But we must not fall prey to resentment.


So our life passes
Like a shadow ,a mere breath
But then is reborn


See Vespers of Today , Psalm 143 and Luke 9 : 22-25