18th Sunday in Ordinary Time






This very night the demand will be made for your soul.

And this hoard of yours, whose will it be then.
What do we get for all our weary toil.
At the end of the day we are just mortal men.
A man who has laboured wisely , skilfully.
Must leave his own to someone who has not.
After a few years no one will lament us tearfully.
A failure or success , that is our usual lot.
Why do we crave success.
Why desire long life.
At the end we will be neither more or less.
All our worries will be cut by the final knife.
We are merely a grain of sand blowing.
Soon will all be gone , desiring, fearing , knowing.
All is vanity
Vanities of vanity
Yet this do we crave
See Luke 12:15-21 and Ecclesiastes 1 :2, 2:21-23