Monthly Archives: August 2022

The Transfiguration of the Lord





It is not those who lack energy or refrain from action.
But those who work without expectation of reward.
Who attain the goal of meditation.
This is the way of the  Gita and the Lord.

Our duty is to uphold the dharma through Karma .
Selfless action is the way.
Renunciation and selfless service are the same Yoga.
It is our choice to follow our own way.

Those who cannot renounce attachment.
To the results of their work are far from the path.
Attain spiritual awareness by Selfless detachment.
The path to yoga is stillness and peace and no wrath.

Free yourself from attachment of work and its effects.
And from the enjoyment of sense objects.

Reject work’s results
To the unitive state
You will  then ascend


As he prayed  face changed
His clothing became brilliant
As lightning ,they saw


See Luke 9: 28 – 36 and The Bhagavad Gita 6

Friday of Week 28 in Ordinary Time






Celebrate your feasts.
At Nahum’s tomb I read his words, carry out your vows.
But don’t always listen to the priests.
They too have their highs and lows.

It was the anniversary of Marilyn Monroe.
We were watching Some Like It Hot.
A wonderful comedy , taking you in a farcical tow.
Challenging , intellectual it is not.

Maybe we do take everything too seriously.
And religious people can be very dull.
Let’s enjoy life laughably.
Occasionally we need a comic lull.

And Curtis , Lemmon and Monroe.
Can certainly lead us out of any low.


Why not laugh at life
Don’t be serious always
Life is just too short.


See Nahum 2

Thursday of Week 18 in Ordinary Time






Deep within them I will plant my law.
Writing it on their hearts.
We can never renounce every flaw.
We are made of two many conflicting parts.

I am reading the Bhagavad Gita anew.
Those who are selfishly attached to the results of their work .
Are bound in everything they do.
This truth we cannot shirk.

Those who renounce attachment in all their deeds.
Live content in the city of nine gates, the body, as its master.
Renunciation has many seeds.
No way is intrinsically worse or better.

Judgement is clouded when wisdom is obscured by ignorance.
But knowledge of the self within destroys ignorance.


Without self knowledge
A life of work cannot be
Fulfilling to souls


See Jeremiah 31:31-34

Wednesday of Week 18 in Ordinary Time

O nations hear the word of the Lord.
Proclaim it to the far off coasts.
Somewhere far away is truth stored.
When we become mere ghosts.

Water does not move in waves.
Only the energy within carries on.
Like them our lives break on distant shores.
Our vibrant energy does not die, it carries on.

The death of a wave is inevitable.
So too body soon will be cold not warm.
But  all energy is retrievable .
It just takes a different form.

When our life reached the final shore.
Only then do we return to our real core.


Water stays in waves
Only the energy lasts
It’s the same with us


See Jeremiah 31

Tuesday of Week 18 in Ordinary Time





78876265-3B5F-4932-A263-DA490866A110He went toward them, walking on the lake.
When the disciples saw him they were terrified.
What will we ever do for his sake.
How will we make him glorified.

There are three prayers here invoking.
Jesus’ prayer of quiet meditating .
St Peter’s prayer of desperation sinking.
The Disciples prayer of thanksgiving.

So too we have three ways of praying.

But how often do we do so.
Except of course when we’re low.


Walking on water
Requires faith we do not have
And a lot more too


See Matthew 14: 22-36

St Alphonsus Mary de Liguori




Keep me from the way of error.
And teach me you law.
Everything we do is held to us as in a mirror.
They will say of us, he did not believe though he saw.

I had been away from the Cathedral for some time.
What a delight to be back in it’s comforting embrace.
Cool after outside in this summertime.
An experience more than a place.

I can sit here after mass peacefully.
Before returning to the real world outside.
I leave it’s cooling shadows regretfully.
In this place there is no demanding side.

The traffic roared , people jostled , thoughts jumbled.
I wish I had longer tarried.


We sit in a church
For a moment we are still
Then our life invades


See Psalm 118