The Transfiguration of the Lord





It is not those who lack energy or refrain from action.
But those who work without expectation of reward.
Who attain the goal of meditation.
This is the way of the  Gita and the Lord.

Our duty is to uphold the dharma through Karma .
Selfless action is the way.
Renunciation and selfless service are the same Yoga.
It is our choice to follow our own way.

Those who cannot renounce attachment.
To the results of their work are far from the path.
Attain spiritual awareness by Selfless detachment.
The path to yoga is stillness and peace and no wrath.

Free yourself from attachment of work and its effects.
And from the enjoyment of sense objects.

Reject work’s results
To the unitive state
You will  then ascend


As he prayed  face changed
His clothing became brilliant
As lightning ,they saw


See Luke 9: 28 – 36 and The Bhagavad Gita 6