Tuesday of Week 34 in Ordinary Time






2B64A3A1-081A-4F15-BF4B-F3B0F4400BF8So the angel set his sickle to work on the earth.
And harvested the vintage and put it in a winepress.
We hope we are all of the greatest worth.
We can’t be sure, we can only guess.

What does the Book of Apocalypse foretell.
Is it the world’s end.
Or is it apocryphal, who can tell.
Will it be a time to ascend.

More likely our sun will end a a red dwarf.
A billion years will pass.
Who knows into what we will morph.
We look through a distant dark glass.

But it’s no bad thing to be aware .
And  calmly to prepare.


The Apocalypse
Is it just apocryphal
Or is it the end


See The Book of Apocalypse 15: 1-4