Saturday of the 3rd week of Lent

This love of yours is like a morning cloud.
Like the dew that quickly disappears.
Sometimes his truth is hidden as with a shroud.
But with the rising sun doubt clears.
There I was tossing and turning.
Wondering at a decision to take before remembering.
The namu myoho renge kio chanting.
And then instantly felt the mind clearing.
It gives one a sense of oneness with all creation.
That all decisions can  be put into their right context.
That we are all one nation.
Although we may follow many a differ spiritual text.Maybe next time I will calm my worry some  dreaming.
And in the dream take to chanting.


Like a morning cloud
And the dew that disappears
So we find new hope


See Hosea 5 : 15 -6 :6