Monthly Archives: April 2023

Saturday of the 3rd week of Easter

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God is light.
There is no darkness in him at all .43845252-37D0-4E8F-B091-3A53CD96C1B4
We only have to keep this in sight .
And we can walk tall .

If we live our lives in the light.
We are in union with one another .
Our prayers will rise like a kite .
And it will be as light as a feather .

The blood of Jesus , his son
Purifies us from all sin.
His vision as bright as the sun .
As supple and strong as tin.

As long as we keep him in sight.
We are surrounded by light.


We know God is light
There is no darkness in him
So keep him in sight


1 John 1 : 5-2 : 2

Friday of the 3rd week of Easter

Immediately it was as if scales fell away from Saul’s eyes.
And he could see again.
Thus we can overcome all our minds’ lies.
And all is mounting gain.As I heard these words at mass , carefully listening.
It was if I too truly believed for the first time.
The story of the road to Damascus is so convincing.
And the outcome so convincingly sublime.

Suddenly you are listening to a biblical story.
And something clicks .
An opening in the clouds to glory.
A house built with solid bricks.

And then the moment passes.
And to see, we need better spiritual glasses.


Scales fall from  our eyes
Suddenly we see again
And we know the truth


See Acts 9 : 1-20

Thursday of the 3rd week of Easter

No one comes to me .
Unless he is drawn by the father.
We do not have to pay any fee.
We only have to try to see furtherI was at the early mass in the Cathedral.
And these words penetrated.
Here is a message for all people.
And where all our lives are weighted.

And I will raise him up at the last day.
It is written in the prophets.
There is nothing to pay
But we receive all the profits.

As I left I thought, if only you can believe.
You will receive.


No one comes to me
Unless drawn by the father
Thus we can follow


See John 6 : 44-51

Wednesday of the 3rd week of Easter






I am the bread of life.
Whoever believes in me will never be hungry.
Here is an end to strife.
As we enter another country.

He who believes in me.
Will never thirst.
This is the key.
Whatever befalls the worst.

Whoever comes to me.
I shall not turn away.
We do not need to repeat our plea.
We know the way .

We only have to seek.
And be accepting and meek.


I’m the bread of life
Believe and be not hungry
Now and for ever


See John 6: 35-40

Tuesday of the 3rd week of Easter

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All wrap yourselves in humility.
Because God refuses to be proud..
So we try to achieve tranquility.
And not just trying to follow the crowd.

Bow down before the power of God .
And he will raise you up on the appointed day.
Meanwhile we remain awed.
So that all our debts he can pay.

Unload your worries onto him.
Since he is looking after you.
He looks after our every whim.
All the old ones and the new.

Your brothers all over the world are suffering from the same things.
We all can be spiritual kings.


Wrap yourselves humbly
God refuses to be proud
Bow down before God


See 1 Peter 5 : 5- 14

St George , martyr

These sufferings bring patience.
And patience brings perseverance.
But then I suffer from so much impatience.
And sometimes lack perseverance.
Perseverance brings hope.
And this hope is not deceptive.
Really, wherever we are , we need never give up hope.
If we try always to be receptive.
Because the love of God has been poured into our hearts.
By the Holy Spirit.
Striking us with his gentle darts
Whatever our lack of merit.
We just keep trying.
Knowing we are thoroughly trying.
All our patience
And all our perseverance
Does bring us real hope

See Romans 5 : 1-5

3rd Sunday of Easter

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And so my heart rejoices.

My soul is glad.
We hear the psalmist’s voices.
How now can we be sad.
I was at the early mass not attending.
Then I heard the words of the psalm.
I thought, seize the moment in rejoicing.
Always accept it and be calm.
Insight can come very suddenly.
As with the breaking of bread at Emmaus.
Before they doubted , now they knew absolutely.
And the truth was revealed not just to them but us.
They said , did not our hearts burn within us.
And at communion so it is with us.
At table he took bread
And he then said the blessing
And their eyes opened
See Psalm 15 and Luke 24 : 13-35

Saturday of the 2 nd week of Easter

They saw Jesus walking on the lake.
And coming towards the boat.
He did all this for our sake.
So that spiritually we might float.
This frightened them.
But he said , do not be afraid.
We are part of this new living stem.
Our ransom is paid.
They were for taking him into the boat.
But in no time it had reached the shore.
Like them , to him we devote.
We cannot ask for more.
We may not see him walking on the lake.
But that does mean we cannot do all for his sake.
Walking on the lake
That’s something we cannot see
But we can ponder
See John 6 : 16-21

Thursday of the 2 nd week of Easter

The Lord is close to the broken hearted.
Those whose spirit is crushed he will save.
There is no need to be downhearted.
We do need to remain in a black cave.
The mind traps us in the future and the past.
Regretting and fearing.
But all that matters is where  now the fly is cast.
Throwing it and the result, accepting.
Many are the trials of the just man.
But from them all the Lord will rescue him.
We may not know but he has a plan.
He does not act on a whim.
But we must just have faith and hope.
And not always say nope.
In past or future
But it’s better to dwell here
Where we know we are
See Psalm 33

Wednesday of the 2 nd week of Easter

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Go out into the Temple.
And tell the people all about this new life.
But is our faith and zeal ample.
Would we contend with any strife.
They arrested the apostles and had them put on gaol.
But at night the angel of the Lord opened the gate.
Of course we don’t have the same role.
Nor will we suffer the same martyr’s fate.
But I wish I had that courage and be that keen.
What amazing perseverance.
But then  I have only read not seen.
And can only hope for his reappearance.
So we struggle on.
Hoping for a new dawn.
Into the Temple
They went to proclaim new life
And what do we do
See Acts 5 : 17-26

Tuesday of the 2nd week of Easter

We speak only about what we know.
And witness only to what we have seen.
We go with the flow.
But we worry about where we have been.
Jesus said, You people reject our evidence.
Are you going to believe when I speak of heavenly things.
Does that make our doubts, an irrelevance.
Unable to take up our spiritual wings.
But if we concentrate on the present.
The mind slowly clears .
We can see further, be more ready for ascent.
And free from all our fears.
So like Nicodemus we keep questioning.
And we barely listen as Jesus keeps answering.
We speak if we know
And witness what we have seen
But is it enough
See John 3: 7-15

Monday of the 2 nd week of Easter

The wind blows wherever it pleases.
You cannot tell where it comes from or is going.
And our doubt never ceases.
Always resisting and questioning.
But we should remember we are part of a universality.
The chant nam myoho renge kio , invokes mystic law.
And we need to feel close to this true everlasting reality.
As we stand witnessing in awe
So when problems press and difficulties abound.
We need to remain determined to end suffering.
We’re not alone but part of a greater without bound.
True, doubts remain but our minds need training.
The spiritual awakening comes and goes.
And our faith inevitably ebbs and flows.
Wind blows wherever
You hear its sound but where from
Coming or going
See John 3 : 1-8

2 nd Sunday of Easter

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Give me your hand, put it into my side.
Doubt no longer but believe.
We have a new  eternal guide.
Even if unlike St Thomas we cannot touch only perceive.

I woke with a feeling of happiness.
After I had rested in the present now of being .
We can get rid of this eternal doubting restlessness.
From past and future a temporary freeing.

We need to rest from the mind’s questioning.
To watch it, not be controlled by its working.
Let the thoughts like passing ships keep rolling.
But on them you don’t need to be boarding.

And then of course something makes you start doubting.
And you start again with the questioning.


So unlike St Thomas
We now cannot touch his side
But we can believe


See John 20 : 19-31

Easter Saturday

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Go out to the whole world .
Proclaim the good news to all creation.
He had opened up forever the underworld.
And the call went out to every nation.

The scribes were astonished by their assurance.
Considering they were uneducated laymen.
And we marvel at the disciples’ endurance.
True , it is clear , they were robust fishermen.

And our own faith is so weak.
We would never put our lives at risk.
Yet we can still seek.
And attempt to throw s spiritual disk.

For we have not, with our own eyes, seen.
Only heard , so sadly we are not so keen.


Go into the world
And all proclaim the good news
To all creation


See Mark 16 : 9-15 and Acts of the Apostles 4 : 13-21

Easter Friday , Orthodox Good Friday

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It was light by now and there stood Jesus on the shore.
Though the disciples did not recognise it was Jesus.
During this week we should be shaken to the core.
Only one person has ever risen from the dead, Jesus.

The detail is convincing.
Down to the number of fishes caught.
But we always need more convincing.
Further proof is always sought.

But would the disciples have gone out .
If the whole thing was imagined.
We just have to accept  and suspend doubt.
Than joy and truth can be divined.

We too are in that boat, going about our daily chore.
Looking and hoping for that figure on the far shore.

….. ..

Jesus on the shore
We are far out on our boat
We ask is it he


See John 21 : 1-14

Easter Thursday

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In a state of alarm and fright.
They thought they were seeing a ghost.
Sometimes too we cannot see the light.
Nor even the divine host.

Today at mass I was in such back pain.
The sermon passed me by completely.
I’m not sure where I was and in which lane.
I fidgeted , what I thought was discretely.

Then later at the Orthodox twelve gospels .
I let the old Slavonic pass through me.
I could not understand, but I was one with the disciples.
I could not hear enough to comprehend, but I could see.

Thus we do not need to understand.
But we need to feel and to take his wounded hand.


In alarm and fright
They thought they saw but a ghost
But he’s real enough


See John 21 : 1-14

Easter Wednesday

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He took the bread and said the blessing.
And their eyes were opened.
And we sometimes do not see him passing.
And we miss an extraordinary dividend.

I stepped out of the warmth of the cottage into the night.
And thought that within twenty years I will be in the cold cemetery.
All this pampered body out of mind and sight.
But the soul flies away so I suppose it’s not too scary.

Later I dreamt that someone was saying something nasty and political.
But then my wife led me away with a lovely smile.
Thus all things pass , even all things critical.
The soul lives on while they are put away in an unread file.

So there’s no point in worrying about health.
Or indeed about all too temporary wealth.


He said the blessing
And giving the broken bread
Thus opened their eyes


See Luke 24: 13-35

Easter Tuesday

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She turned around and saw Jesus standing there.
Though she did not recognise him.
Through the clouds of centuries we peer.
Unwilling or unable to see him.

We too ask where he has been put.
Perhaps we would like too to move him.
Then he calls our name as we reach out tentatively for his foot.
And then at last we should recognise him.

But how often do we doubt.
We are called by too distant an echo.
We are summoned more by a whisper than a shout.
Our awakening is all too slow.


But we need to hasten
And to echoes listen.


He calls us by name
But do we recognise him
It is up to us


See John 20 : 11-18

Easter Monday

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Jesus said to them , do not be afraid.
Go and tell my brothers  they must leave for Galilee.
They will see me there with all debts paid.
And we too will see him along with all our family .

The flowers covered the sanctuary.
A blaze of yellow and white.
And the gospel story rang out  gloriously.
Now all despair was out of sight.

Filled with awe and great joy.
The women ran away from the tomb to tell the disciples.
And we too, such distant witness,  can feel this joy.
Enough to fill countless bibles.

We too run from the tomb.
And put paid to all gloom.


Do not be afraid
And go and tell my brothers
Do we do the same


See Matthew 28 : 8- 15

Easter Sunday

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NOTE : I have now finished my three  year cycle of sonnets Easter 2020 – Easter 2023……..
Then the other disciple who had reached the tomb first .
Also went in , he saw and he believed.
At the end of this long cycle I ask for what I thirst.
And I ask too, what have I given  and not just received.

For all this three year cycle I have posted daily Sonnets.
I have no idea if anyone has enjoyed any of this reading.
Easter 2020 in lockdown to Easter 2023 bonnets.
Anyway,  it’s given me great pleasure in writing.

Just as the disciples experienced on Easter Day .
We all have different ways of witnessing.
Which is better , who can say.
Some in wonder, others in understanding.

My greatest pleasure this weekend was lending my hymn book.
So who knows what is the best way to follow the good book.


He saw and believed
We who have not seen must too
We just have the choice.

.. …

See John 20: 1-9

Easter Saturday

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Why do you cry to me so.
Tell the sons of Israel to March on.
Now and  seemingly forever, we feel so low.
Is all hope in the future gone .
But this day will pass.
And become tomorrow.
With the growing springtime grass.
This we surely know.
After death.
There is resurrection.
A new breath.
An end to all dejection.
But today it’s only a promise.
And we are still a doubting Thomas.
Is all our hope gone
No we are marching onwards
To what fate we ask
See Exodus 14 : 15-15 : 1

Good Friday

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Aren’t you another one of that man’s disciples.
He answered , “I am not”.
We too have our line in meandering denials.
Always ready to tie ourselves into a questioning knot.

What do we do when we survey the wondrous cross.
It may be our favourite hymn but is it our guide.
Do we count our greatest gain as loss.
And pour contempt on all our pride.

But when I sing it on Good Friday.
A tear rolls down my cheek .
I seem at that moment to know the way.
Even though my faith is all too weak.

But when we look on this day at the cross.
We know that there will be gain after loss.


How do we answer
If asked if a disciple
Do we say I’m not


See John 18 : 1-19 , 42

Maundy Thursday

If I , then , the Lord and Master have washed your feet.
You should wash each other’s feet.
Perhaps it’s better to pray than to tweet.
Better to accept things  than to bleat.
The Imitation of Christ came into my line of sight.
I picked it up and started to read .
Vanity of vanities , knowledge is not the true light.
Imitating the life not the learning of Christ the true seed.I’m close now to finishing this three year sonnet cycle
But I’m not sure they are a true witness.
Better to have done good works than a scripture recycle.
Better to show weakness than learning fitness.

When Christ washed the feet of the disciples.
Perhaps he was doing as much as all the learning in bibles.


Then Christ washed their feet
As they should wash each other’s
It’s humility


See John 13 : 1-15

Wednesday of Holy Week

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We groan inwardly.
And await the redemption of our bodies.
We walk gingerly and no longer firmly.
For our ailments there are no antibodies.

I read Psalm 38 , a prayer for sickness .
During a long night of back pain.
Trying in every turn to reduce its fierceness.
But of course, everything was in vain.

As we get older hearing and vision dim.
And there is no cure , they don’t get any better.
Against an ever faster flowing tide is our swim.
No longer the pace setter or the go getter.

So I just read the psalm.
And try to sleep and keep calm.


We groan inwardly
And await redemption
Does it ever come


See Psalm 38 from today’s Office of Readings

Tuesday of Holy Week

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When runners reach the turning point in a racecourse.
They have to pause briefly before they can go back .
We worry looking for truth’s source.
Peering through a spiritual crack.

I was trying to get to sleep with the Office of Readings
And I came across these words from St Basil the Great.
We get so more from this than all those meetings.
With most of them , it doesn’t matter if you are there or early or late.

This is about  a turning point.
We can go on as we are .
Wondering what’s the point.
Or we can follow our star

So for a moment we need to pause.
And wonder what is the root cause.


Where’s the turning point
Is it now or  to coming .
But we do not know


From the book , On The Holy Spirit by St Basil the Great , bishop