Maundy Thursday

If I , then , the Lord and Master have washed your feet.
You should wash each other’s feet.
Perhaps it’s better to pray than to tweet.
Better to accept things  than to bleat.
The Imitation of Christ came into my line of sight.
I picked it up and started to read .
Vanity of vanities , knowledge is not the true light.
Imitating the life not the learning of Christ the true seed.I’m close now to finishing this three year sonnet cycle
But I’m not sure they are a true witness.
Better to have done good works than a scripture recycle.
Better to show weakness than learning fitness.

When Christ washed the feet of the disciples.
Perhaps he was doing as much as all the learning in bibles.


Then Christ washed their feet
As they should wash each other’s
It’s humility


See John 13 : 1-15