Monday of Week 17 in Ordinary Time





The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed.
Which a man took and sowed in his field.
We ask, how can we, from doubt, be freed.
The truth seems divinely concealed.

As usual I spent the night asking is Jesus God.
Did he not say  , Before Abraham was, I am, is he the one.
Does it matter if he did not say I am God.
Is not his meaning clear in saying I and the Father are one.

The mustard seed is one of the smallest seeds.
But when it is grown , it is the biggest shrub of all.
I continue to search all the scriptural leads.

I wait patiently for the call.

Do these countless stars come from nothing.
Or from a celestial hand divining and guiding.


The mustard seed
Is the smallest of them all
Yet a mighty shrub


See Matthew 13: 31 to 35