Wednesday of Week 13 in Ordinary Time





Hagar sat down about a bow shot away.
Saying to herself I cannot see the child die.
We cannot know our fate , it is often so far away.
Yet we feel abandoned , we sigh.

But God heard the boy wailing.
Pick up the boy, I will make him into a great nation.
So do not be afraid, we may not be ailing.
We are part of a sure foundation

Hagar’s son grew up and made his home in the wilderness.
And he became a bowman.
Sometimes we feel a kind of restlessness.
We wonder what is our omen.

But as with Hagar’s son
We will continue to feel the warmth of the sun.


God heard the boy’s wails
He tells us be not afraid
We have to listen


See Genesis 21 : 5, 8-20