24 th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Resentment and anger, these are foul things.
And both are found with the sinner.
We can stay in the deep or take to our wings.
But in this, of course , we are only a beginner.
After leaving a place Walsingham we may feel anger.
Someone is wronging us, we want to get even.
But I remembered todays gospel reader.
And what he had read that we can all believe in.The servant’s master felt so sorry for him that he cancelled his debt.
And let him go.
But how slow are we to cancel another’s debt.
Do we say to our anger, let go.

For ourselves we ask for time.
How often do we give ours time.


We ask for some time
We rarely give others time
It’s double standards

.. ….

See Matthew 18: 21-25