Saturday of Week 31 in Ordinary Time


Asperges me Domine hysoppo et mundabor.
Lavabis me et super nivem dealbabor.
Purge me with hyssop  and I shall be clean to my core.
And I shall be whiter than snow and more.

As the bishop entered the Cathedral .
For his enthronement.
The choir sang Asperges Me for all of us the  people.
And we all fell silent .

The choir quietly intoned the Te Laudemus.
After the Bishop had sat in his Cathedra chair.
I fell into a short dream , there was no fuss.
All for a moment was calm as we listened  from afar.

And thus the enthronement ended.
And all we felt for a time that care was mended.


Purge me with hyssop
And we hope we shall be clean
And whiter than snow


See Asperges Me