Monday, Fourth Week of Lent, 2021


To die at the age of a hundred will be to die young.
Not to live to be a hundred will be a sign of the curse.
What comes most often to our tongue.
Ourselves, our possessions, our hopes, but they all end up in a hearse.

I was day dreaming about what we wanted, as well as to be somebody.
We like to think we will live on and on to a very great age.
But to most, this is loneliness and extreme frailty in mind and body.
And wisdom, what does it really achieve to be an all-too-temporary sage.

And possessions.
What is a delightful buy is often a grateful sell.
Accomplishments are just passing, often mediocre impressions.
So what from all this can we tell.

That the greatest pleasure is both free and the simplest.
It is to hold your granddaughter’s hand in yours, not much else stands the test.


The Greatest pleasure
To hold your granddaughter’s hand
In your own old hand