Fourth Sunday in Advent, 2020

O Clavis David et sceptrum dumus Israel.
Qui aperis et nemo Claudit Claudis st nemo aperit.
O key of David and sceptre of Israel.
You who open and nobody then can close, who close and nobody then can open our spirit.

Veni te educ vinctum de domo carceris.
Sedentem in tenebris et umbra mortis.
Come and lead the captive from prison, thus it is.
Free those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, we know this.

According to orthodox tradition, drawing water from the well.
According to Latin tradition, in her home.
No matter where, for universally she said yes, this we can tell.
For the glorious tale of Annunciation is told in every time and home.

Come, I beg, free me from the prison of doubt.
You alone have the key to water my mind’s drought.