Saturday, Third Week of Advent, 2020

O Radix Iesse.
Qui stas in signum populorum super quem continebunt Reges os suum.
O stock of Jessie.
Who stand as a sign for the nations, before whom kings fall silent as the tomb.

Quem gentes deprecabuntur.
Veni ad liberandum nos iam noli tadare.
Whom the peoples acclaim to their core.
Come come to deliver us, do not delay any more, determined they are.

Last night I dreamt I had been having a row.
I was walking in the Oratory following a priest carrying a candle.
Immediately I felt quieter, it was back to the plough.
There was hope of gripping calm’s candle.

A shoot springs from the stock of Jesse, a scion thrusts from his roots.
That day the root of Jesse shall stand as a signal to the peoples from these roots.