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Monthly Archives: February 2022
Saturday of Week 7 of Ordinary Time
I anyone of you is in trouble he should pray.
Friday of Week 7 of Ordinary Time
What can bring us happiness many say.
Thursday of Week 7 in Ordinary Time
Wednesday of Week 7 of Ordinary Time . St Polycarp-155
You are no more than a mist .
Tuesday of Week 7 in Ordinary Time. The Chair of St Peter
Monday of 7th week in Ordinary Time
For anyone who has faith , anything is possible.
7 th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Love your enemies .
Saturday of Week 6 in in Ordinary Time

Friday of Week 6 of Ordinary Time, Blessed John of Fiesole , Fra Angelico
Be my protector , a mighty stronghold.
Lead me , guide me for the sake of your name .
In my dreams you me enfold.
Putting depression to shame .
When I dream of my being I feel worried.
When I dream of loving I feel contentment.
So can I be less hurried .
And live more in the moment .
For God everything is simultaneous.
There is no future or past .
At our death we leave time and all that is extraneous.
We enter into the is , oneness at last .
Standing that day in Fra Angelico’s cell
For that moment I was free from all the pell- mell.
The cell was empty
Just a fresco on the wall
Telling a story
Thursday of Week 6 of Ordinary Time
It was those who were poor according to the world.
Tuesday of Week 6 of Ordinary Time
Be quick to listen, but slow to speak.
And slow to rouse your temper .
Easier to think about than do as we seek.
We ask ourselves where is our true centre .
I was looking at the peaceful Serpentine.
A moment later I tripped and crashed on my head.
Thus in a flash we are lost while before we were fine .
We cannot see a minute ahead.
We are told God’s righteousness is never served by anger .
So we must do away with all bad habits .
But it come so quick this canker .
In the mind a thousand cross little rabbits .
St James may have lots of good advice .
But it’s not enough to free us of all vice .
We are just walking
In a flash we are falling
In life there is death
See James 1 : 19-27
Tuesday of Week 6 of Ordinary Time
All that is good comes down from the father of all light.
Monday of Week 6 of Ordinary Time
The harvest is rich , but the labourers are few.
So ask the Lord of the harvest to send labourers.
We ask ourselves , what is our place in this queue.
Are we mere takers or active givers.
I know my place.
I may read but I don’t do enough work.
I will be nowhere near the front in this race.
I need to do some more homework.
We are told to carry no purse, no haversack.
And salute no one on the road.
But I turn and tack.
Fearful of this spiritual load.
I will always be in the middle of this pack.
I hope St Peter doesn’t give me the sack..
The harvest is rich
But we are not labourers
We are onlookers
See Luke 10 : 1-9
Sunday of Week 6 in Ordinary Time
Alas for you who laugh now.
Saturday of Week 5 of Ordinary Time
They ate as much as they wanted.
Friday of Week 5 of Ordinary Time
Friday of Week 5 in Ordinary Time
She replied, the house dogs under the table can eat the scraps.
Jesus said For saying this you may go home happy .
We run hopefully on endless laps .
Determined despite all not to be unhappy .
I was striding over the Wold.
The air fresh , the wind strong .
I rested a moment in the church from the cold.
Here I was far away from the throng .
In this peaceful lonely place
The heart could rest and soar.
All slowed to the quietest pace .
I could not and did not ask for more .
It is the smallest scrap of a moment.
That we can find the greatest fulfilment.
The place is empty
But the heart can still be full
If it is all quiet
See Mark 7: 24-30
Wednesday of Week5 in Ordinary Time
It is from within that evil intentions emerge.
Tuesday of Week 5 in Ordinary Time
Listen to the cry.
And the prayer your servant makes.
Hark to the lonely sigh.
For all our hopeful sakes .
I was standing by the statue of Mary in her place .
It came to me , it didn’t matter if all this was true.
I like it here, the readings , the liturgy, the space.
Why worry if this means life eternal life for me and you.
A profound and happy acceptance came .
This was it , the present moment of peace.
Then the fretting brain started off again.
Why do we have to rationalise, worry without cease.
Stare into Mary’s eyes.
Forget the brain’s lies.
It’s just a moment
Peace and belief come to us
Then it is all gone
See 1 Kings 8
Monday of 5th Week of Ordinary Time
Wherever he went to village or town or farm.
They laid down their sick in the open spaces.
If we ask he keeps us from harm.
Bringing all the available graces.
But now we cannot see him coming.
We lay down our sick metaphorically.
We are not sure he is there, we just keep hoping.
We cannot say anything categorically.
They begged him to touch even the fringe of his cloak.
And all those who touched him were cured.
We touch only the fringe of an unseen cloak.
And we will never know if that’s why we are cured.
No sooner had he stepped out of the boat than people recognised him.
The question is, do we recognise him.
We cannot see him
Can we imagine the boat
Out of which he steps
See Mark 6 : 53-56
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Whom shall I Send , who will be my messenger.
I answered , Here I am, send me.
Who will be my strengthener.
When will I be allowed to truly see.
Isaiah , Paul and Peter all called today.
All reacted with humility.
They served every day .
Then paid any price for loyalty.
God calls us all., if we listen.
In prayer, doubt and just the workplace.
It could be by faith or reason.
But it is there for all of every race.
It could be a piece of music, dream or picture.
It comes and goes in light’s flicker.
Peter was fishing
Then he was called for all time
When will we be called
See Isaiah 6:1-2,3-8
Saturday of Week 4 of Ordinary Time
Give your servant a heart to understand.
How to discern between good and evil.
He asked only for your command.
To free him from the enticements of the devil.
What was Solomon’s desire.
Was it to live a long life or to have riches.
No, for the love of his people he was on fire.
Not to destroy but build bridges .
And since he had asked nothing for himself.
This was the answer God gave him in this story.
I give you a heart wise and shrewd as none before yourself.
What you have not asked I give you too, riches and glory.
Better not to ask anything tailor made for ourself.
We may be given a lot more off the shelf.
Too often we ask
Far too much just for ourself
Ask less and get more
See 1 Kings 3 4-13
Friday of Week 4 in Ordinary Time
Thursday of Week 4 of Ordinary Time
Take nothing for the journey except a staff.